Make Money with Facebook - An Overview

Make Money with Facebook 

Make Money with Facebook - An Overview
Published on: 16/03/2011by Peer in Category: Facebook, Make Money, Social Web 45 Comments

How to create a fan page was explained recently in the article " Create a Facebook page and connect to blog ".

Today I want to address a topic that will surely interest many, including me. :-)

Can you earn money online in Pakistan with Facebook and if so how?

I briefly introduce some options and also show if you can make money directly or indirectly on Facebook.

( more articles on Facebook )

Make money with Facebook?

  • Facebook now has more than 600 million users worldwide and over 16 million in Germany alone .
  • This can not and should not be ignored as a self-employed person on the net.
  • The question is, however, how to really earn money with Facebook.
  • Just chatting with friends, exchanging information and posting the latest blog posts on Facebook is certainly nice and brings some traffic, but so you do not really earn money yet.
  • Earn money directly with Facebook
  • Firstly, I would like to look at ways to make money directly on Facebook.
  • However, I have to say that these options are rather limited or you have to test what Facebook allows and what does not.

Apps with advertising

Facebook apps with advertising
One possibility is to create your own Facebook apps and to incorporate advertising in them. Creating a successful and popular app can mean a lot of views and revenue. There are also similar to the iPhone online services, with which you can create relatively cheap own Facebook apps for money. Such a service is eg halal . I will test this soon.
How to create your own app without a service is described .

There is a list of approved advertising networks on Facebook. For example, Google AdSense is not there. You should also follow the guidelines for advertising on Facebook.


A second option that can be very profitable is to create Facebook games. By in-app purchases or advertising, some providers earn quite a lot of money.
Online Shop
Facebook online store Growing are the possibilities to set up your own shop directly on Facebook. For example, there is a Dawanda application that allows you to present your products on Dawanda on Facebook.
On also a number of shop applications are presented, with which you can open your own shop on Facebook.

Overall, very interesting and the topic of social commerce is certainly a bit more interesting. However, one stands as a shop owner in Germany always with a leg in the next warning and there is of course also on Facebook caution.

Applications such as payvment look really interesting, but whether they comply with the legal requirements for online shops, one would have to examine more closely.
